Tantalum Capacitors price trend
Following the "garlic,"and "beans" price raised hugely, the recent prices of electronic components is also speculation was rampant trend. In response, industry analysts believe that most companies can expand production to stabilize prices by fluctuations in component speculation is not easy, this "big hype" may be exaggerated. And the listed company said it now prices relatively stable, did not show increased substantially. Electronic components industry in the first quarter of the "scenery" is already well known. To some extent, explains the components "short supply" reasons. Because of strong demand, the market conditions of various components naturally "gone up." However, it seems not yet to the "outrageous" position. It is understood that components currently on the market price does up there, in which resistors, capacitors, class-based components, while the most "ferocious" and a tantalum capacitor. Some analysts have pointed out that sharp price increases of tantalum capacitors, tantalum capacitors mainly due to manufacturing raw materials are scarce, are cost-driven reasons. However, tantalum capacitors listed companies have very little business. Great Wall Securities analyst Yuexiong Wei told reporters, as the components listed companies producing natural to enjoy the benefits of higher prices, but this is only one aspect. "Component relies on the large-scale production increase profits, not simply to determine the rate of increase depends on the price situation of enterprises. Although there are manufacturers probably because of tight supply and a corresponding increase in ex-factory price, but the rate will not be very severe." 分析Teachers said that as a general component manufacturers can to resolve product prices through the expansion does not have the conditions for accumulation of speculation. Whether the cause for price increases related to company performance than expected questions, Yuexiong Wei said, in fact, prices have started from the fourth quarter of last year, but space is limited manufacturer's price increases may be more acts are dealers, the performance of listed companies notice have been more perfect this reflected. For example, class makers Sunlord electronic components, Fenghua Hi-Tech, are typical components are benefiting manufacturers. Contact Sunlord yesterday's electronic secretaries to directorate to do, relevant to that product prices within reasonable limits, there is no substantial increase. According to the company notice of a quarterly performance in the expected January-June 2010 net profit attributable to parent company owners the same period the previous year growth of 50% to 80%. "There is no need to amend the notice of the performance." The Fung Wah Hi-Tech office secretaries to directorate stakeholders claimed that, on the component prices have also been aware of the incident, but the impact on company operations and still need further information, temporarily unable to respond

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